BRAND_rihanna x samsung 

Samsung wanted to redefine the way artists and brands collaborate.
And Rihanna was gearing up to launch her album, ANTI. 
So we combined those two forces and made ANTI the fasted album to go platinum in history with and intimate and surreal journey into Rihanna’s psyche. 

With help from punchdrunk (the Sleep No More gurus) we created something called ANTIdiaRy.  
Over the course of several weeks an interactive narrative led fans through 8 rooms, each representing a chapter of Riri’s life.
In the final room, we dropped her 8th album.

We really got to do it all on this one:
    - eight :60 films.
    - a teaser at the VMAs.
    - Mobile VR experiences (one for each room)
    - IRL Installations
    - And an instagram scavenger hunt.

3/8 films here: (head to my vimeo to binge them all)

We recreated each room IRL and hid them throughout the country:

And we recreated each room digitally for fans to explore through their phones.
Fans had to decode clues to unlock exclusive content.  

CREATIVE DIRECTORS_ Matthew Carey + Wei Wei Dong
CREATIVES_ Ben Wiley + Trinity Grover + Brandon Mai
DIRECTOR_ Yoann Lemoine